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来源: 时间:2022-12-26 点击:[]

[1] Mao Ying, Zhang Ning, Liu Jinlin, Zhu Bin, He Rongxin, Wang Xue. A systematic review of depression and anxiety in medical students in China. BMC Medical Education. 2019; 19(1):327. (SCI/SSCI: 3.263, Q2)

[2] Mao Ying, Zhang Ning, Zhu Bin, Liu Jinlin, He Rongxin. A descriptive analysis of the Spatio-temporal distribution of intestinal infectious diseases in China. BMC Infectious Diseases. 2019; 19(1):766. (SCI: 3.667, Q3)

[3] Ding Li, Zhang Ning*, Zhu Bin, Liu Jinlin, Wang Xue, Liu Feng, Mao Ying. Spatiotemporal characteristics and meteorological determinants of hand, foot and mouth disease in Shaanxi Province, China: a county-level analysis. BMC Public Health. 2021; 21(1):374. (SCI/SSCI: 4.135, Q2, 2018年管理学门类2最具影响力期刊)

[4] Zhang Ning, Mao Ying. Spatial Effects of Environmental Pollution on Healthcare Services: Evidence from China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(4):1784. (SCI/SSCI: 4.614, Q1, 2018年管理学门类2最具影响力期刊)

[5] Zhang, Ning, Tao Xie, Wei Ning, Rongxin He, Bin Zhu and Ying Mao. The Severity of COVID-19 and Its Determinants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis in China. Sustainability 13 (2021): 5305. (SCI/SSCI: 3.889, Q2, 2018年管理学门类2最具影响力期刊)

[6] Zhang Ning, Ning Wei, Xie Tao, LiuJinlin, He Rongxin, Zhu Bin, Mao Ying. Spatial Disparities in Access to Healthcare Professionals in Sichuan: Evidence from County-Level Data. Healthcare (Basel). 2021;9(8):1053. (SCI/SSCI: 3.160, Q2)

[7] Ding Li, Zhang Ning*, Mao Ying. Addressing the maldistribution of health resources in Sichuan Province, China: A county-level analysis. PLoS One. 2021; 16(4):e0250526. (SCI/SSCI: 3.752,Q2, 2018年管理学门类2知名期刊)

[8] Xie Tao, Zhang Ning, Mao Ying, Zhu Bin. How to predict the electronic health literacy of Chinese primary and secondary school students?: establishment of a model and web nomograms. BMC Public Health. 2022; 22(1):1048. (SCI/SSCI: 4.135, Q2, 2018年管理学门类2最具影响力期刊)

[9] Li Haoran, Ning Wei, Zhang Ning, Zhang Jingya, He Rongxin, Mao Ying, Zhu Bin. Association between maternal depression and neonatal outcomes: Evidence from a survey of nationally representative longitudinal studies. Front Public Health. 2022; 10:893518. (SCI/SSCI: 6.461, Q1)

[10] 朱斌,张宁,何荣鑫,宁伟,谢涛,鲁永博,柳锦楠,毛瑛.重特大疾病保障政策的实践与效果——基于延安市的实证研究[J].卫生经济研究,2022392):14-18.(北大中文核心期刊)

[11] 朱斌,毛瑛,张宁,何荣鑫,宁伟,谢涛,刘锦林.基于空间分析的中国药师,技师配置及优化策略研究[J].中国卫生事业管理,2022007):039.(北大中文核心期刊)









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